
225 BOOKS - Texas History & Genealogy TX - Ancestors Family County - CD/DVD

Description: Texas State Book Collection on DVD The Ultimate Collection of 225 Books This is the most complete collection on DVD for the best price on eBay. This item is delivered on a fully interactive DVD ROM readable on all computers. The files are in PDF format to view, copy or print them easily. They are fully searchable. All our DVDs are professionally produced, designed and packaged. This DVD contains 225 interesting books about the History and Genealogy of the State of Texas. You will discover information on many topics such as letters, slavery, education, government, narratives and records as well as many illustrations of specific events, settings and portraits of honorable people and much more! This outstanding book collection serves as an excellent resource for anyone interested in history and genealogy! Contents: A few suggestions respectfully submitted to the people of Texas, her state and railroad officials (1887) - Howard, J. - 44 pages Diplomatic relations of Texas and the United States, 1839-1843 (1912) - Marshall, T. M. - 36 pages Naturalists of the frontier (1937) - Geiser, S. - 354 pages Romance and tragedy of Texas history : being a record of many thrilling events in Texas history under Spanish, Mexican and Anglo-Saxon rule (1924) - Dixon, S. H. - 352 pages Twelve years in the saddle for law and order on the frontiers of Texas (1909) - Sullivan, J. - 284 pages Wild life : or, Adventures on the frontier : a tale of the early days of the Texas republic (1856) - Reid, M. - 432 pages A brief history of the Texas Navies (1961) - Robinson, S. M. - 17 pages A diamond in the rough; embracing anecdote, biography, romance and history (1906) - Worrell, J. - 296 pages A financial history of Texas (1916) - Miller, E. T. - 464 pages A history of central and western Texas Vol.1 (1911) - Paddock, B. - 554 pages A history of Cherokee county (1934) - Roach, H. - 226 pages A History of Texas and Texans Vol.1 (1914) - Johson, F. W. - 675 pages A History of Texas and Texans Vol.3 (1914) - Johson, F. W. - 903 pages A History of Texas and Texans Vol.4 (1914) - Johson, F. W. - 902 pages A letter on the Texas question (1844) - Everett, A. H. - 100 pages A memorial and biographical history of Johnson and Hill counties, Texas : containing the early history of this important section of the great state of Texas together with glimpses of its future prospects; also biographical mention of many of the pioneers and prominent citizens of the present time, and full-page portraits of some of the most eminent men of this section (1892) - n.a. - 792 pages A paper read before the Cincinnati Society of Ex-Army and Navy Officers, January 3d, 1884 (1884) - Anderson, C. - 60 pages A report and treatise on slavery and the slavery agitation : December, 1857 (1857) - Brown, J. H. - 80 pages A soldier's letters to charming Nellie (1908) - Polley, J. B. - 678 pages A story of my parents, Warren Jacob Collins and Tolitha Eboline Valentine Collins : including their 65 years of married life together, the trials and tribulations of pioneer life in Texas, and many of their descendants to the 6th generation (1962) - Collins, V. A. - 150 pages A study of rural schools in Travis County, Texas (1916) - Davis, E. E. - 60 pages A Texas pioneer; early and overland freighting days on the frontiers of Texas and Mexico (1910) - Santleben, A. - 321 pages A Texas ranger (1899) - Jennings, N. A. - 340 pages A three-foot stool (1909) - Wright, P. - 280 pages A thumb-nail history of the city of Houston, Texas, from its founding in 1836 to the year 1912 (1912) - Young, S. O. - 230 pages Address to the People of Texas, on the Protection of Slave Property (1859) - Pridgen, H. - 25 pages An appeal to the people of Massachusetts, on the Texas question (1844) - Allen, G. - 28 pages An historical and descriptive sketch of Austin County, Texas (1876) - Kenny, M. - 46 pages Annexation of the Texas : a case of war between England and the United States (1844) - Urquhart, D. - 114 pages Archaeological exploration of a rock shelter in Brewster county, Texas (1932) - Coffin, E. - 94 pages Beginnings of Texas, 1684-1718 (1907) - Clark, R. C. - 112 pages Bernard Lile; an historical romance, embracing the periods of the Texas Revolution, and the Mexican War (1856) - Clemens, J. - 286 pages Border wars of Texas; being an authentic and popular account, in chronological order, of the long and bitter conflict waged between savage Indian tribes and the pioneer settlers of Texas (1912) - DeShields, J. - 450 pages Brewers and Texas politics Vol.1 (1916) - n.a. - 586 pages Brewers and Texas politics Vol.2 (1916) - n.a. - 1108 pages Brief history of Texas from its earliest settlement to which is appended the constitution of the state (1873) - Baker, D. W. C. - 216 pages British diplomatic correspondence concerning the Republic of Texas,1838-1846 (1918) - Adams, E. D. - 660 pages British interests and activities in Texas, 1838-1846 (1910) - Adams, E. D. - 278 pages Burke's Texas almanac and immigrants' handbook for 1883 (1878) - Burke, J. - 240 pages Camp of Fourth and Sixth brigades, Second division, United States troops at Texas City, Texas (1913) - Maurer, J. M. - 24 pages Captain Bill McDonald, Texas ranger; a story of frontier reform (1909) - Paine, A. B. - 478 pages Captain Jeff; or, Frontier life in Texas with the Texas Rangers; some unwritten history and facts in the thrilling experiences of frontier life (1906) - Maltby, W. - 216 pages Church and state, or, Mexican politics from Cortez to Diaz (1896) - Cloud, W. - 348 pages Claim of the state of Texas (1912) - McCain, H. - 112 pages Claim of the state of Texas for defense of the frontier (1911) - Culberson, C. - 18 pages Col. Crockett's exploits and adventures in Texas (1836) - Smith, R. P. - 230 pages Combats and conquests of immortal heroes (1910) - Barnes, C. M. - 282 pages Complete guide to Houston, Texas (1895) - n.a. - 100 pages Conflicting civil cases in the Texas reports Vol.1 (1890) - King, W. - 284 pages Conflicting civil cases in the Texas reports Vol.2 (1902) - King, W. - 429 pages Conflicting civil cases in the Texas reports Vol.3 (1911) - King, W. - 483 pages Conquest of the Southwest : a discussion of the charges that the colonization of Texas and the revolution against Mexico were the results of a movement of the "slavocracy" to increase slave territory, or of the activity of Andrew Jackson, through Samuel Houston, to accomplish the same result (1924) - Shaw, E. R. - 152 pages Constitution of the State of Texas. Adopted by the Constitutional Convention begun in the city of Austin, Texas on September 6th, 1875, and finished November 24th, 1875; ratified by the people February 15th 1876; in force from the 18th day of April 1876 (1901) - Texas, A. - 420 pages County unit of school administration in Texas (1922) - Davis, E. E. - 68 pages Cowboy life : reminiscences of an early life, early boyhood and experiences as a cowboy on the range, on the trail, as manager of a ranch and then owner and operator in cattle (1936) - O'Keefe, R. - 262 pages Development of education in Texas (1925) - Eby, F. - 380 pages Diary of Ephraim Shelby Dodd : Member of Company D Terry's Texas Rangers, December 4, 1862--January 1, 1864 (1914) - Dodd, E. S. - 40 pages Eagle Pass, or, Life on the border (1852) - Montgomery, C. - 212 pages Early explorations and mission establishments in Texas (1936) - Heusinger, E. W. - 320 pages Early pioneer days in Texas (1918) - Allen, J. T. - 292 pages Early settlers and Indian fighters of southwest Texas (1900) - Sowell, A. J. - 890 pages Early times in Texas (1892) - Duval, J. - 160 pages Education in Texas (1921) - Eby, F. - 998 pages Evolution of a state, or, Recollections of old Texas days (1900) - Smithwick, N. - 374 pages Five years a cavalryman : or, Sketches of regular army life on the Texas frontier, twenty odd years ago (1889) - McConnell, H. H. - 328 pages Five years in Texas or, What you did not hear during the war from January 1861 to January 1866 (1871) - North, T. - 252 pages Five years in the West; or, How an inexperienced young man finds his occupation (1884) - Allen, W. - 222 pages Following the drum: a glimpse of the frontier life (1858) - Vielé, T. - 280 pages Footprints of Texas history (1916) - Dill, M. - 132 pages For the liberty of Texas (1909) - Stratemeyer, E. - 328 pages From saddle to pulpit (1952) - Scoggins, J. - 488 pages Galveston, Texas, city directory (1906) - n.a. - 848 pages General tax laws, State of Texas (1906) - Smith, J. T. - 248 pages Governors who have been, and other public men of Texas (1921) - Kittrell, N. G. - 316 pages Historical Polk County, Texas : companies and soldiers organized in and enrolled from said county in Confederate States Army and Navy, 1861-1865 (1901) - Crosson, J. M. - 148 pages History of Dallas County, Texas: From 1837 to 1887 (1887) - Brown, J. H. - 117 pages History of Eastland County, Texas (1904) - Langston, G. - 236 pages History of Montague County (1913) - Potter, F. - 208 pages History of Texas from 1685 to 1892 Vol.1 (1893) - Brown, J. H. - 668 pages History of Texas from 1685 to 1892 Vol.2 (1893) - Brown, J. H. - 640 pages History of Texas, from Wilderness to commonwealth Vol.1 (1924) - Wortham, L. - 492 pages History of Texas, from Wilderness to commonwealth Vol.2 (1924) - Wortham, L. - 480 pages History of Texas, from Wilderness to commonwealth Vol.3 (1924) - Wortham, L. - 492 pages History of Texas, from Wilderness to commonwealth Vol.4 (1924) - Wortham, L. - 460 pages History of Texas, from Wilderness to commonwealth Vol.5 (1924) - Wortham, L. - 440 pages History of Texas, together with a biographical history of Milam, Williamson, Bastrop, Travis, Lee and Burleson counties Vol.1 (1893) - n.a. - 886 pages History of Texas, together with a biographical history of Milam, Williamson, Bastrop, Travis, Lee and Burleson counties Vol.2 (1893) - n.a. - 890 pages History of Texas, together with a biographical history of Tarrant and Parker counties (1895) - n.a. - 670 pages History of the regulators and moderators and the Shelby County War in 1841 and 1842, in the Republic of Texas: with facts and incidents in the early history of the republic and state, from 1837 to the annexation, together with incidents of frontier life and Indian troubles, and the war on the reserve in Young County in 1857 (1883) - Middleton, J. - 40 pages Hood's Texas brigade, its marches, its battles, its achievements (1910) - Polley, J. B. - 414 pages How to conquer Texas, before Texas conquers us (1845) - Hale, E. E. - 28 pages I married a soldier; or, Old days in the old army (1893) - Lane, L. S. - 228 pages I remember (1960) - Polk, M. - 102 pages In Texas with Davy Crockett; a story of the Texas War of Independence (1908) - McNeil, E. - 430 pages In the bosom of the Comanches Vol.1 (1912) - Babb, T. A. - 160 pages In the bosom of the Comanches Vol.2 (1912) - Babb, T. A. - 152 pages Indian depredations in Texas : reliable accounts of battles, wars, adventures, forays, murders, massacres, etc., together with biographical sketches of many of the most noted Indian fighters and frontiersmen of Texas (1890) - Wilbarger, J. W. - 764 pages Indian wars and pioneers of Texas Vol.1 (1890) - Brown, J. H. - 920 pages Indian wars and pioneers of Texas Vol.2 (1890) - Brown, J. H. - 886 pages Journal of the Secession convention of Texas, 1861 (1912) - Winkler, E. W. - 954 pages Journal of the Texian expedition against Mier; subsequent imprisonment of the author; his sufferings, and the final escape from castle of Perote; reflections upon the present political and probable future relations of Texas, Mexico, and the United States (1845) - Green, T. - 524 pages Journey through Texas; or, A saddle-trip on the south-western frontier; with a statistical appendix (1857) - Olmsted, F. - 564 pages Law of taxation in Texas (1911) - Stewart, J. S. - 758 pages Letters upon the annexation of Texas : addressed to Hon. John Quincy Adams, as originally published in the Boston Atlas under the signature of Lisle (1845) - Ellis, G. E. - 74 pages Life and adventures of "Billy" Dixon, of Adobe Walls, Texas panhandle; a narrative in which is described many things relating to the early Southwest, with an account of the fights between Indians and buffalo hunters at Adobe Walls and the desperate engagement at Buffalo Wallow, for which Congress voted the medal of honor to the survivors (1914) - Dixon, B. - 332 pages Life and adventures of Sam Bass, the notorious Union Pacific and Texas train robber (1878) - Bass, S. - 89 pages Life and times of Henry Smith, the first American governor of Texas (1887) - Brown, J. H. - 410 pages Life of General Houston, 1793-1863 (1891) - Bruce, H. - 240 pages Lots of land (1949) - Bishop, C. - 314 pages Marriage records of Cherokee County, Texas, 1884-1890 (1900) - Crawford, H. W. - 43 pages Mobbing of John R. Shillady, secretary of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, at Austin, Texas, Aug. 22, 1919. County Judge boasts of his leadership in the mobbing. Governor W.P. Hobby of Texas publicly approves the mob attack (1919) - n.a. - 12 pages My experience with Indians (1925) - James, J. - 204 pages Narrative of an expedition across the great southwestern prairies, from Texas to Santa Fé; with an account of the disasters which befell the expedition from want of food and the attacks of hostile Indians; the final capture of the Texans and their sufferings on a march of two thousand miles as prisoners of war, and in the prisons and lazarettos of Mexico Vol.2 (1845) - Kendall, G. - 442 pages Narrative of the Texan Santa Fé expedition : comprising a description of a tour through Texas, and across the great southwestern prairies, the Camanche and Caygüa hunting-grounds, with an account of the sufferings from want of food, losses from hostile Indians, and finale capture of the Texans, and their march, as prisoners, to the city of Mexico Vol.1 (1847) - Kendall, G. - 420 pages Narrative of the Texan Santa Fé expedition : comprising a description of a tour through Texas, and across the great southwestern prairies, the Camanche and Caygüa hunting-grounds, with an account of the sufferings from want of food, losses from hostile Indians, and finale capture of the Texans, and their march, as prisoners, to the city of Mexico Vol.2 (1847) - Kendall, G. - 424 pages Notes on Texas and the Texas and Pacific railway : compiled from official and other authentic data (1873) - n.a. - 54 pages Notes taken during the expedition commanded by Capt. R.B. Marcy, U.S. A., through unexplored Texas, in the summer and fall of 1854 (1856) - Parker, W. - 262 pages On a Mexican mustang, through Texas, from the Gulf to the Rio Grande (1883) - Sweet, A. E. - 714 pages Perilous trails of Texas (1932) - Dunn, J. B. - 192 pages Personnel of the Texas state government, with sketches of distinguished Texans, embracing the executive and staff, heads of the departments, United States senators and representatives, members of the Twenty-first Legislature (1889) - Daniell, L. - 394 pages Philip of Texas : a story of sheep raising in Texas (1916) - Otis, J. - 168 pages Pleading in the District and County courts of Texas (1901) - Townes, J. C. - 552 pages Prominent women of Texas (1896) - Brooks, E. - 250 pages Quirt and the spur; vanishing shadows of the Texas frontier (1909) - Rye, E. - 378 pages Rachel Plummer narrative; a stirring narrative of adventure, hardship and privation in the early days of Texas, depicting struggles with the Indians and other adventures (1926) - Parker, J. - 134 pages Railway chimes, autumn times, 1873 (1873) - n.a. - 8 pages Rangers and sovereignty (1914) - Roberts, D. - 200 pages Readings in Texas history for high schools and colleges (1929) - Barker, E. - 672 pages Recognition of the Republic of Texas by the United States (1911) - Rather, E. Z. - 112 pages Recommendations regarding public education in Texas for consideration of the governor of Texas and the thirtyfourth Legislature (1915) - n.a. - 36 pages Reconstruction in Texas (1910) - Ramsdell, C. W. - 340 pages Reminiscences of the Civil War (1902) - Stevens, J. - 230 pages Report on education in Texas and recommendations made to the governor and the thirty-seventh Legislature (1921) - n.a. - 64 pages Review of the Mexican war embracing the causes of the war, the responsibility of its commencement, the purposes of the American Government in its prosecution, its benefits and its evils (1849) - Porter, C. - 232 pages Rising and setting of the Lone Star republic (1926) - Mattie, J. - 280 pages Romance of old Texas : Count St. Denis (n.d.) - n.a. - 44 pages Seventy years in the saddle (n.d.) - Melton, A. B. - 122 pages Six decades in Texas; or, Memoirs of Francis Richard Lubbock, governor of Texas in war time, 1861-63. A personal experience in business, war, and politics (1900) - Lubbock, F. R. - 754 pages Six years with the Texas rangers, 1875 to 1881 (1921) - Gillett, J. - 356 pages Sixty years in Texas (1908) - Jackson, G. - 416 pages South to Padre (1936) - Hogner, D. - 240 pages Spanish activities on the lower Trinity River, 1746-1771 (1913) - Bolton, H. E. - 376 pages Spanish mission records at San Antonio (1907) - Bolton, H. E. - 28 pages Standard blue book of Texas, 1907-08 (1907) - n.a. - 184 pages Standard blue book of Texas, 1908-09 (1908) - n.a. - 236 pages Standard blue book of Texas, 1909-10 (1909) - n.a. - 140 pages Street, avenue and alley guide to San Antonio, Texas (1892) - Appler, J. - 80 pages Terry's Texas rangers (1911) - Giles, L. - 118 pages Texan ranch life; with three months through Mexico in a "Prairie schooner" (1894) - Jaques, M. - 412 pages Texan ranger : or, Real life in the backwoods (1866) - n.a. - 340 pages Texas - annexation. Proceedings and resolutions of a public meeting of the citizens of Mobile county and city, relative to the annexation of Texas to the United States (1844) - Sheppard, F. B. - 8 pages Texas (1836) - Holley, M. A. - 436 pages Texas a contest of civilizations (1903) - Garrison, G. P. - 358 pages Texas and the Gulf of Mexico ; or, Yachting in the New World Vol.1 (1844) - Houstoun, M. C. - 340 pages Texas and the Gulf of Mexico ; or, Yachting in the New World Vol.2 (1844) - Houstoun, M. C. - 386 pages Texas and the Mexican war; a chronicle of the winning of the Southwest (1921) - Stephenson, N. - 296 pages Texas and the Texans : or, advance of the Anglo-Americans to the south-west; including a history of leading events in Mexico, from the conquest by Fernando Cortes to the termination of the Texan revolution Vol.1 (1841) - Foote, H. - 328 pages Texas and the Texans : or, advance of the Anglo-Americans to the south-west; including a history of leading events in Mexico, from the conquest by Fernando Cortes to the termination of the Texan revolution Vol.2 (1841) - Foote, H. - 420 pages Texas hero stories ; an historical reader for the grades (1908) - Daffan, K. - 186 pages Texas high schools Home economics (1920) - n.a. - 130 pages Texas high-schools; English (1922) - n.a. - 84 pages Texas in 1840 or, The emigrant's guide to the new republic : of observations, enquiry and travel in that beautiful country (1840) - Allen, W. - 284 pages Texas scrap-book : Made up of the history, biography, and miscellany of Texas and its people (1875) - Baker, D. W. C. - 728 pages Texas, the rise, progress, and prospects of the Republic of Texas (1925) - Kennedy, W. - 1008 pages Texas. Address of the Honorable Wm. H. Wharton, delivered in New York on Tuesday, April 26, 1836 (1922) - Wharton, W. - 68 pages Texas. Observations, historical, geographical and descriptive, in a series of letters, written during a visit to Austin's colony, with a view of a permanent settlement in that country, in the autumn of 1831 (1833) - Holley, M. A. - 184 pages Texas. Sketches of character; moral and political condition of the republic; the judiciary, &c. (1839) - Thompson, H. - 108 pages Texas; a guide to the Lone star state (1940) - n.a. - 836 pages The adventures of a family of emmigrants who emigrated to Texas in 1834 (1963) - Priour, R. - 76 pages The adventures of Big-foot Wallace, the Texas ranger and hunter (1885) - Duval, J. - 366 pages The annexation of Texas (1911) - Smith, J. H. - 504 pages The Bailey controversy in Texas, with lessons from the political life-story of a fallen idol Vol.1 (1908) - Cocke, W. A. - 554 pages The Bailey controversy in Texas, with lessons from the political life-story of a fallen idol Vol.2 (1908) - Cocke, W. A. - 538 pages The border boys with the Texas Rangers (1912) - Deering, F. - 314 pages The coming empire; or, Two thousand miles in Texas on horseback (1878) - McDanield, H. F. - 406 pages The Confederate capital and Hood's Texas brigade (1894) - Winkler, A. V. W. - 684 pages The constitution and government of Texas (1933) - Stewart, F. M. - 280 pages The constitution of the state of Texas as amended in 1861; The constitution of the Confederate States of America; The ordinances of the Texas convention; and An address to the people of Texas (1861) - n.a. - 82 pages The fiscal history of Texas Embracing an account of its revenues, debts, and currency, from the commencement of the revolution in 1834 to 1851-52. With remarks on American debts (1852) - Gouge, W. - 376 pages The founding of the missions on the San Gabriel river, 1745-1749 (1914) - Bolton, H. E. - 66 pages The George Mayfield Daniel family in Texas (1961) - Devine, Z. A. D. - 48 pages The government of the people of the state of Texas (1898) - Garrison, G. P. - 171 pages The history and geography of Texas as told in county names (1915) - Fulmore, Z. T. - 332 pages The history of Brenham and Washington County (1915) - Pennington, M. W. - 134 pages The journal of a grandfather (1912) - Hughes, W. E. - 278 pages The Jumano Indians in Texas, 1650-1771 (1912) - Bolton, H. E. - 26 pages The Karankawa Indians, the coast people of Texas (1891) - Gatschet, A. - 121 pages The life of Sam Houston, The hunter, patriot, and statesman of Texas (1867) - Lester, E. - 430 pages The Lone Star (1907) - Lyle, E. - 464 pages The Lone Star guide : descriptive of the counties on the line of the International and Great Northern Railroad of Texas (1880) - n.a. - 38 pages The Mexican recognition of Texas (1910) - Smith, J. H. - 28 pages The native tribes about the east Texas missions (1908) - Bolton, H. E. - 40 pages The Navy of the Republic of Texas, 1835-1845 (1909) - Dienst, A. - 196 pages The official history of the great strike of 1886 on the Southwestern railway system (1886) - n.a. - 132 pages The origin and true causes of the Texas insurrection, commenced in the year 1835 (1836) - n.a. - 36 pages The papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar Vol.1 (n.d.) - Lamar, M. B. - 596 pages The papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar Vol.2 (1922) - Lamar, M. B. - 624 pages The papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar Vol.3 (n.d.) - Lamar, M. B. - 616 pages The papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar Vol.6 (n.d.) - Lamar, M. B. - 558 pages The people's illustrated almanac, Texas hand-book and immigrants' guide, for 1880, being an index to Texas, her people, laws, state and local governments, schools, churches, railroads, and other improvements and institutions (1880) - Thrall, H. - 256 pages The Pueblo settlements near El Paso, Texas (1902) - Fewkes, J. W. - 28 pages The republic of Texas; a brief history of Texas from the first American colonies in 1821 to annexation in 1846 (1922) - Wharton, C. - 270 pages The road to glory (1915) - Powell, A. - 360 pages The romance of Davis Mountains and Big Bend country (1919) - Raht, C. G. - 426 pages The rules of practice in the civil courts of record of the state of Texas Vol.1 (1896) - Sayles, J. - 780 pages The rules of practice in the civil courts of record of the state of Texas Vol.2 (1896) - Sayles, J. - 640 pages The Spanish abandonment and reoccupation of east Texas, 1773-1779 (n.d.) - Bolton, H. E. - 80 pages The Standard blue book Texas Edition July 1921 (1921) - n.a. - 258 pages The state institutions of higher education in Texas, their past services (1913) - n.a. - 48 pages The Texas Pacific railway (a dependency of the great Pennsylvania monopoly) contrasted with a real Southern Pacific R.R. along the 32d parallel of latitude, having termini and connections in southern states. A letter to the people of the South (1878) - Norwood, T. - 20 pages The travels and romantic adventures of Monsieur Violet among the Snake Indians and wild tribes of the great western prairies Vol.2 (1843) - Marryat, F. - 332 pages The travels and romantic adventures of Monsieur Violet among the Snake Indians and wild tribes of the great western prairies Vol.3 (1843) - Marryat, F. - 312 pages The unvarnished West : ranching as I found it (1911) - Pollock, J. M. - 296 pages The von Rosenberg family of Texas. A record with historical facts and legends of the ancient Prussian family. This book contains the record of the first three generations in Texas, with their coats of arms brought to Texas by the pioneer father, Peter Carl Johann von Rosenberg (1949) - Tomlinson, A. - 184 pages The war in Texas; a review of facts and circumstances, showing that this contest in the result of a long premeditated crusade against the government, set on foot by slaveholders, land speculators, &c. with the view of re-establishing, extending, and perpetuating the system of slavery and the slave trade in the republic of Mexico (1836) - Lundy, B. - 62 pages Thoughts on the proposed annexation of Texas to the United States (1844) - Sedgwick, T. - 60 pages Through Texas : a series of interesting letters (1892) - Stevens, W. - 120 pages Trip to the West and Texas. Comprising a journey of eight thousand miles, through New-York, Michigan, Illinois, Missouri, Louisiana and Texas, in the autumn and winter of 1834-5. With a brief sketch of the Texian war (1836) - Parker, A. A. - 400 pages Twentieth century history of southwest Texas, vol. 1 (1907) - n.a. - 648 pages Twentieth century history of southwest Texas, vol. 2 (1907) - n.a. - 702 pages Types of successful men of Texas (1890) - Daniell, L. - 880 pages Unveiling and dedication of monument to Hood's Texas brigade on the capitol grounds at Austin, Texas, Thursday, October twenty-seven, nineteen hundred and ten, and minutes of the thirty-ninth annual reunion of Hood's Texas brigade association held in Senate chamber at Austin, Texas, October twenty-six and twenty-seven, nineteen hundred and ten, together with a short monument and brigade association history and Confederate scrap book (1911) - Chilton, F. - 424 pages Western Texas. Valley of the Rio Grande; its soil, productions, climate, &c., &c (1847) - n.a. - 32 pages What I saw in Texas (1872) - Forney, J. - 106 pages With the makers of Texas; a source reader in Texas history (1904) - Bolton, H. E. - 344 pages Here are a few images from the collection: Attention eBay Staff: The books on this media were copyrighted prior to January 1, 1923 and/or are Government publications which are free of copyright restrictions. This media resides within the Public Domain as defined by the United States Copyright Office. This ad complies with all eBay rules and regulations.

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225 BOOKS - Texas History & Genealogy TX - Ancestors Family County - CD/DVD225 BOOKS - Texas History & Genealogy TX - Ancestors Family County - CD/DVD225 BOOKS - Texas History & Genealogy TX - Ancestors Family County - CD/DVD225 BOOKS - Texas History & Genealogy TX - Ancestors Family County - CD/DVD225 BOOKS - Texas History & Genealogy TX - Ancestors Family County - CD/DVD225 BOOKS - Texas History & Genealogy TX - Ancestors Family County - CD/DVD225 BOOKS - Texas History & Genealogy TX - Ancestors Family County - CD/DVD225 BOOKS - Texas History & Genealogy TX - Ancestors Family County - CD/DVD225 BOOKS - Texas History & Genealogy TX - Ancestors Family County - CD/DVD225 BOOKS - Texas History & Genealogy TX - Ancestors Family County - CD/DVD225 BOOKS - Texas History & Genealogy TX - Ancestors Family County - CD/DVD225 BOOKS - Texas History & Genealogy TX - Ancestors Family County - CD/DVD

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