
Windham, Rockbridge County, New Hampshire - Genealogy

Description: The History of WindhamIn New Hampshire (Rockingham County)1719-1883A Scotch Settlement (Commonly Called Scotch-Irish),Embracing Nearly One Third of the AncientSettlement and Historic Township ofLondonderry N.H. , With The History and Genealogy of Its First Settlers and Their Descendants, And Most of the Families of Its Past, and All of Its PresentPermanent Inhabitants, Comprising More ThanTwo Hundred Different Family Names. By Leonard A. Morrison 1883 1,042 pages, illustrated, indexed, searchable - Bonus -History of Rockingham CountyNew HampshireAnd Representative Citizens By Charles A. Hazlett 1915 1,386 pages, illustrated, indexed, searchable - Bonus -History and Proceedingsof the Celebration of the One Hundred and FiftiethAnniversary of the Incorporationof the Settlement ofWindham in New HampshireHeld June 9, 1892 By The Executive Committee 1892 176 pages, searchable *******************************************************************************Digital EBook CD Requires Adobe Reader 7 or higher to View; or MAC AccessAutoboot Menu for Easy PC Access; Manually open files on MAC******************************************************************************* Named after Sir Charles Wyndham, 2nd Earl of Egremont, who was a member of Parliament from 1734 to 1750 and Secretary of State for the Southern Department from 1761 to 1763, the town was incorporated in 1741. The area that today is Rockingham County was first settled by Europeans moving north from the Plymouth Colony in Massachusetts as early as 1623. The government was linked tightly with Massachusetts until New Hampshire became a separate colony in 1679, but counties weren't introduced until 1769. Rockingham was identified in 1769 as one of five original counties for the colony. It is named for Charles Watson-Wentworth, 2nd Marquess of Rockingham, who had been Prime Minister in 1765-1766. The county was organized in 1771, with its county seat at Exeter. In 1844 its area was reduced by the formation of Belknap County to the northwest. TABLE OF CONTENTS - Windham History.P R E F A T O R Y . — (Pages iv-24.)List of Illustrations, iv-v.— Introduction. l-10. — Preliminary Chapter. 11-24. CHAPTER I. — (Pages 25-39.) In the Beginning : Copy of Jolin Whieelwrigh's Deed to the Proprietors of Londonderrv,p. 25. — The Indians, 26. — Windham, its Situation. 27.— Wild Animals. 28).—Birds. 31. — Snakes : Arboreal Products: Flora of Windham. 32. -Localities, 34. —Surface, 35. -Indications of Glacial Period, 3i>. — Scenery. 37. CHAPTER II. — (Pages 39-44. LANDS LAID OUT IN WIXDHAM.The First Grant of Land in Windham. Oct. 1662. 3'i. — Laying out of Land in Windhamafter the Advent of the Scotch Settlers in Londonderrv in 1710.- Origin of theFarms in Windham Range in 172S. 40.— Ministerial Lot laid out April 17. 1729. 42. CHAPTER III.— (Pages 44-47.) FIRST SETTLEMENTS.Early Settlements and Early Settlers ; First Settlement : First House : Names ofearly Settlers. 44. — Early Times. 45. — Petition against the Establishment of anew "Parish in 1740— Names of Petitioners; Fourteen Families emigrate to Coleraine,Mass., in 1740. 46. CHAPTER IV. — (Pages 47-58.) WINDHAM INCORPORATED.Petitions for a Charter. 47. — Charter Granted, 48.— Charter of the Town of Windham,49. —First Warrant. 50. —Windham's First Town-meeting; Fir.st Moderator andTown Officers, 51. — Ministers' Fees, 52. CHAPTER V. — (Pages 53-64.) WAR. —POLITICAL HISTORY.French and Indian War : War's .Alarms. 53; Windham's Poll of Heroes; Thingslook Warlike in Windham in 4752. 54. — Trouble with Salem. 1732. and Dismemberment of Windham. ."i5. — Names of Windham Men Annexed to Salem, — The Scotch People in Salem remain Scotch still; The French and Indian War, andNames of Men. 57. — New Hampshire . Men serve in Massachusetts Regiment,60. — Paper Currency. Old Tenor, New Tenor, etc., 61. — Exempted Farms ; Lawsuits;Civil Affairs"; Emigration, 1770, and Belfast, Me., colonized by the Scotch,62.— Gov, John Wentworth loses $10 by a bad Investment, 63. CHAPTER VI. — (Pages (;4-79.) REVOLUTIONARY WAR.First Militia Law in New Hampshire; The Impending Crisis, 64. - Lexington .Alarm,Committee of Inspection. 1775, 67. — Windham Men in the Battle of Bunker Hill; Casualties and Losses. 68. — Historic Day. — First Military Company inWindham ; An Account of all the Men belonging to Windham who were inthe Continental Service on July 1775, 70. — First Province Tax under the Authorityof Congress, Nov. 2S, 1775, 72. — Important Events in 1776; New Regulationsof the Military. 7.3. —The Continental Congress— The Association Test. 74. — ItsSigners, 7.5. — Windham Soldiers in 1776 ; Men immediately respond to the call ofthe Government, 76. CHAPTER VII. — (Packs 79-!»G.) REVOLUTIONARY WAR — CONTINUED.The Year 1777. 79. — Court Prices ; The- Town still Angry ; Windham's Quota forthe Continental Army, Getting Desperate, 81. — Casualties to Windham's Soldiersin the Bennington Battle ; Windham's Sons at the Bennington Battle. Aug 16, 1777— Political Action of the Town; The Exempted Farms set hack into Windham, 85,. —The Dav Brightening. 86;. — Town Legislation ; Afraid of Debt:The War continues. 177s. 87. — Substitutes ; Receipt for Men; Raising Moneyto pay the Debt. KS. —Soldiers. Bounties. and Town Legislation in 1779, 89. HighestTown Bounty of the War; The Beginning of the End. 1790. 90. — Bounty ofCorn for Soldiers in 1790, — Beef for the Army; Bounties. and Names of Soldiersin 1791. -Trouble with the Currency, — Depreciation Scale of Paper Money. 1781 ; Events of 1782 ; The Last Windham Soldier in the Revolutionary War. - End of the Revolutionary War and Treaty of Peace ; The Town Records, 94. CHAPTER VIII. — (Page-s 96-103.; FROM THE CLOSE OF THE REVOLUTION TO THE CLOSE OF 1812-15 WAR.Oath of Allegiance to the State; Overplus Money : First Written Ballots. 1782. 9C.The Town Instructs its Representative in 1783; War Legislation, 1784; Windham'sLast Continental Soldier still in the Army, January, 1784 ; Windham Petitions tosend a Representative, 1784, which is granted, 97. — Trouble with the Currency;Fiat Money Favored; Violations of the Sabbath, 178.5 ; The Pound, and a stablePound ;it ra.st,99. — A Curious Vote ; War of 1812-15, 100.— Men from Windham inthe 1812-15 War, 101. CHAPTER IX. — (PAGE.S 103-107.) REPUBLICAN GOVERNMENT ESTABLISHED.Formation of Independent State Government in New Hampshire ; Constitutional Conventions; First Convention ; First Constitution, — Windham suggests Amendments to the Constitution ; Votes to Accept the Constitution, Aug. 27, 1792, 105.—Names of Members of different Conventions, 106. CHAPTER X. — (Pages 107-122.) NAMES AND HISTORY OF EARLY SETTLERS.First Settlers ; Their History, 107. — Early Names and Vanished Names, 109. -Industrial History and Habits of the Early Settlers, 111.— Snow-shoes, ll6— Umbrellas,Clocks and Time-keepers. 117. — Shade Trees ; Blacksmiths; Pen-Pictures of ourFather's Monies, . — Carding and Spinning Wool, Cotton, or Tow. 119.— A changecomes on the Death of Parson Williams, Nov. 10, 1793, and the Removal of theChurch in 1798, 120. — Many People Remove to the new City of Lowell, 121. CHAPTER XI. — (Pages 122-139.) ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY.Rev. William Johnston, the first Minister Installed. 1747 ; Dismissed, 1752 : First Meeting-house Built, 1753; Installation of Rev. John Kinkead in Oct. 17i;.(», and his Dismissal in April. 1765 ; Names of Elders, 124. —Ordination of Rev. Simon Williams,Dec. 1776, 125. — Death of Mr. Williams, Nov. 10, 1793; Names of Elders, 12G.— Removal of the Church to the Centre of the Town, 1798. — Rev. Samuel Harris ordained Oct. 9, 1805 ; Dismissal of Mr. Harris. Dec. G. 1820 ; Names of Persons addedto the Elders. 127. —April 9, 1828. Rev. Calvin Cutler is Installed ; He dies Feb.17, 1844. — Additional Elders; Rev. Loren Thayer Ordained Nov. 5. 1845: RemainsPastor till April 2.5, 1866. 128. —Rev. Joseph Lanman Installed June 2. I868 ; Dismissed Feb. 6. 1872 ; Parsonage Built, 1868; Rev. Charles Packard Installed April29.1873; The Church Repaired, 1874; Revival in 1876, 129. — First Sal)bath School.1.30. —Death of Rev. Charles Packard, Feb. 20, 1881, 131. — Officers of the SabbathSchool ; Dissolution of the Church and State, July 1. 1819, 132. — The PresbyterianReligious Society Organized March 19, 1827; The Choir; Its Conductors, 133.—Present Members ; Rev. Joseph S. Cogswell Installed as Pastor, Dec. 21, 1881, 134. — Names of Members of the Church. 136. CHAPTER XII. — (Pages 1.39-159.) SCHOOLS AND EDUCATION.First Schools in New- England, 1.39. — School Law of 1789; Schools in Windham. 140.— Early Schools and School-teachers, 141.— Family Schools, 143. — The Lamented Teacher, Margaret Hamilton, 145.— Early Teachers in each of the School Districts. 146. — Schoolbooks in Early Times, 147. — Williams' Academy, 1768-90. 148. — Formation and History of School Districts to 18S2, 14l». — First School-houses, 150. —History and Number of School-houses in each District, 151. - School Funds, andCost of School-Houses ; High School: School Taxes from 1789 to 1809; Managementof Schools and School Taxes from 1809 to 1828 — Committee of Inspectionfrom 1809 to 182S, — Money Expended for Schools from 1828 to 1882, — Superintending; School Committees from 1828 to 1883; State Literary School Fund. 157.— Military School, 158. CHAPTER XIII. — (P.\GKS 159-168.) HIGHWAYS.Early Highways, l59. — Highways laid out before the Incorporation in 1742; The"Range Road." .Jan. 24, 1779; First Highway found upon the Town Records, IGO. — Londonderry Turnpike Built, 1805, I63 — Mammoth Road, 1831, 165. — Improvementsin Road Building; First guide-posts. 1794, 100. — The Town Sued, 1840 ; TheLong Writ. 107. CHAPTER XIV. — (Pages 168-178.) . INNS, INTEMPERANCE, PAUPERISM.Public Houses and Names of Inn-keepers. 108. — First Temperance Legislation, April23,1781; First License. June 11, 1793 — Intemperance and Temperance, 169.— LightBreaks in ; The Temperance Reformation. ; Pauperism and First Warningout of Town, May 21, 1751, 170. —A Sensible Vote, .July 14, 1780. — Venducing thePoor, 173. — First Overseer of the Poor chosen March 14, 1820, 174.— Town F'armPurchased Jan. 18, 1838, 175. —The U. S. Surplus Revenue ; Windham's Portionused to buy the Town Farm, 176. — Town Farm sold, Nov. 14, 1808 ; Annual Expensesfor the Poor from 1870 to 1882, 177. CHAPTER XV. — (Pages 178-181.) CALAMITIES.Accidents ; Sudden Deaths ; Freshets and Fires, 178, CHAPTER XVI. — (Pages 181-186.) CEMETERIES AND BURIALS.First Cemetery laid out, 1749 ; First Burial, 1749, 181.— Cemetery on the Hill laid outabout 17.53 ; First Burial in the Cemetery on the Hill, 182. — New Cemetery laid out1835, 183. — Receiving Tomb built 1872 ; Cemeteries enlarged, 1872 ; Manner of EarlyBurials ; Mort Cloth, 184. — First Hearse and Hearse-house, 1827, 185. CHAPTER XVII. — (Pages 186-194.) MANUFACTORIES.Fessenden's or Neal's Mill, 187.— Simpson's Mill built, 1 788-89 ; Old Nail Factory;Brown's Mill, 18,50; Seavey's Mill, 188. -Haskell's Saw-mill at the Junction ; Merrill'sMill; First Steam Saw-mill, 1800 ; Mills at West Windham, 189. — Potash ;Brickyards ; Stores and Store-keepers; Store at Windham Centre commenced in1815, — Store at West Windham before 1838 ; At Windham Junction. ; MiscellaneousItems of Interest, 191. — Relics: Railroads, 192. — Policy Pond Grovestarted 1850; Business Directory of Windham, April, 1882, 193. CHAPTER XVIII. — (Pages 194-201) WINOHA.M LITERATURE, PROFFESSIONAL HISTORY.Books and Authors, 194. — College Students and Gradualtes, 195, — Ministers, 196; Physicians: Lawyers, 197.— Deputy Sheriffs ; Post-office, Post-riders and post-masters,198.— First post-office ; First Post-master ; Windham's Post-riders ; Names of Postmasters at Windham; At West Windham, 199. — Windham Junction and Fessenden's Mills, 200. C H A P T E R X I X . — (Pages 20 1-22 1) TOWN OFFICERS FROM 1719 TO 1883.Town Officers and their Duties, 201. — Voters and their Qualification before 1775;Town Officers of Londonderry from 1719 to 1742. — Town Officers of Windhamfrom its incorporation, 1742 to 1883, —

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Windham, Rockbridge County, New Hampshire - Genealogy
Windham, Rockbridge County, New Hampshire - Genealogy


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